Well, I haven’t hit the wall yet, but I did need some help to get there. I only use something like Dragon Dictation when my hands hurt from writing or I’ve hit a wall. But well, my hands don’t hurt and since I’m at the beginning of a story, I’ve got plenty of words waiting to come out. My problem is that my internal editor is talking pretty loudly cause I’m in edit-mode. What is edit mode, you ask? That is when my mind is constantly thinking of ways to strengthen the manuscript. To make better sentences and story flow. It sits like a nagging child asking  the question, “Are we there yet? Are the cookies/book/cake/manuscript done yet?” This isn’t helpful when I should be spitting out words without abandon.

So in came the Dragon on my iPad to save the day. While I worked with source code this morning I spoke into the Dragon for the first 1K. After that everything flowed for a while this evening which was nice.

Final total for today: 1,805 words. I’m hoping to clear at least 2K again on Friday.

One Response

  1. See, this is why I don't write linearly, especially during NaNo. You only add, never subtract, but there's no rule that you have to add at the end and never in the middle of your work in progress.

    Start moving forward and when you realize that three scenes ago you really needed to zig when your characters zagged, then go fix it. Just mark the old work as "remove this" and leave it there 🙂 (plan to delete it on December 1st).

    Ok, so maybe my brain is the only one that works in a spiral. And writing NaNo style sets me up for tons of my (not so favorite) editing later. But it gets me something to edit.